The Future of LIGHT

5 min readJun 17, 2021


I know you’re all eager to learn what the future of LIGHT is, and I’m excited to announce the very early stages. First, I want to cover a few minor items.


The logo has undergone a minor redesign that has already been uploaded to the blockchain. Transaction here.

Left: Old Design / Right: New Design

To coincide with the logo change, the name of the token has been changed from CRUSADER (LIGHT) to LIGHT (LIGHT). Transaction here. This will provide easier recognizability of the token as well as provide a name that can be used in a broader capacity.

Don’t worry though, you can still redeem LIGHT by burning sixsixsix! 4.67% of the supply of sixsixsix has already been redeemed for LIGHT. The remaining LIGHT to be redeemed can be seen here and any LIGHT not redeemed will stay locked.

The Future

Now, where will LIGHT be taken? To the battlefield! In short, LIGHT will be used in several capacities as a currency in a text blockchain-based medieval-fantasy war simulation game. The initial design will be a cooperative PVE game where the warriors of LIGHT will compete against the forces of darkness. What does all of that mean? Take a look at the initial roadmap below and read on to find out more.

Each phase of development will go through several stages including offline design, blockchain integration, and web integration.

Initial Design

This is where the initial mechanics for the game will be designed, but I do want to stress that this is being done in my spare time and mechanics are fluid at this point. As such, I have intentionally not put timing on the roadmap.

The current trajectory for the design is as follows:

  • Players will use LIGHT to pay a small entrance fee to gain access to the current battle.
  • Then LIGHT will be used to train (preparation grounds) soldiers of different varieties with a mechanism similar to farming tokens on Rocketswap. If enough soldiers have not been trained and the armies fear defeat, additional mercenaries may be purchased (auxilia) before battle.
  • All trained soldiers will then go in a pool of one large army to be pitted against an opposing army of darkness. Once the battle starts, it will be a hands-off simulation where the winner is calculated on the blockchain.
  • The winner will be determined by a number of factors such as melee strength, range strength, speed, terrain of the battle field, etc. There will be small components of randomness, but the intention is that skill and planning of what troops to train, accounting for terrain, etc. are the main impacts of who wins.
  • After the battle, if the players win, the prize pool will be distributed based on troops contributed. If the forces of darkness win, the prize pool will go to the house where a percentage will be sent to the LIGHT team and the remainder will return to the prize pool.

Roadmap Phases

Each phase of development will go through several stages including offline design, blockchain integration, and web integration. Also, The nice pretty chart with the arrows is for illustrative purposes. In reality, progress will probably bounce around the roadmap.

Initial design: Basic game design working on nailing down all of the game mechanics.

Equilibrating: Balancing the game. This will likely be an ongoing process as with any game, but there will likely be a good chunk of time spent here initially.

Terrain: Add terrain to the battlefield. What will the mean practically? Different types of terrain will have different impact on melee vs range strength throughout the battle. As an example, if a battle take place on plains, ranged soldiers will be very strong early on in the battle, but this advantage will wane as the battle progresses. Or, if the battle takes place in a

Preparation grounds: This is where LIGHT will be used to train troops for the battle. Think of it like staking your tokens to earn another token, except in this case you’re earning troops to be used in the current battle.

Auxilia: If the battle is near, and not enough troops have been trained, you will be able to purchase mercenaries (at a higher cost than training since LIGHT must be spent instead of staked) to aid in battle.

Initial Campaign: This will be the milestone when the first battle occurs on the blockchain. After this, there will be regularly scheduled battles. Details TBD.

Contests: This feature is one the would most likely come some time after the initial campaign. It would allow for players to challenge each other to combat, bet, and compete for the prize pool. Details TBD.

Heros: This is another feature for after the initial campaign. These would be NFTs that provide special bonuses during a battle such as a range boost early, weakening the opponents melee strength, etc.

Modifiers: This is another feature for after the initial campaign. Similar to Heros, these would have different effects during battles, but these would be randomly selected on the blockchain to add further variety to combat.


There is no update on liquidity farming at this time, but given the direction LIGHT is taking, I am investigating options.

I will likely be adding more details to the token allocation for the community initiative tokens, but for the short term I will keep raining in the LIGHT, Lamden, and Rocketswap groups. Be warned though, if you beg for rain, repeatedly ask for rain, or spam the group repeatedly with nothing but stickers and gifs to try to catch rain, you will be muted in the LIGHT group.

As mentioned before, this is being done in my spare time. There were also no funds raised and at this point there are no set timelines. In interest of full transparency, I will also be seeking development assistance and will arrange payment and/or profit sharing with those I recruit for help. If you’re experienced in python and/or web design, please feel free to reach out to me in the Telegram group. Lastly, this is very early in design, so details of this article are subject to change, especially if it is at the behest of community feedback.

I will keep you updated along the way. Until then:



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